Learn a language for free!

About Us

There's just so much out there available for free!  And most people don't know that it's there.  This is a project to give advice and suggestions to people learning a foreign language so they can make the most of the free tools and resources that are to be found on the internet.

There are lots of sites which list materials and resources - but usually this just consists of a series of links with no advice about the quality of the resource.  Often the focus seems to be on quantity rather than quality.

I want this site to deal only with tools and resources that actually work - and with tips on how best to use them.  I hope as it develops that it will be come collaborative - so that teachers around the world who know about free, tried and tested resources can share them with others.

History of 'Language for Free'

A bit too early to have much of a history.

Who Is this site for?

Anyone studying a language or wanting to study a language who wants to find online resources to support them. Teachers can use it too, to suggest materials for their learners to access between lessons or for their VLE.

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